Treasure Coast Chapter

Inspiring professional growth…one paralegal at a time. ®

Welcome to Treasure Coast

(Members Holiday Party 2023)

We welcome you to the Treasure Coast Chapter and hope you will consider becoming a member or at least attending one of our monthly events. The goal of our chapter is for professional growth, education, networking and community service. The chapter is comprised of wonderful professional members that are dedicated to improve their personal careers as the board strives to provide quality legal education through our great monthly speakers.  We alternate lunches & dinners, which provide one (1) CLE credit to assist you in fulfilling your requirements for the Florida Bar, NALA and other professional organizations.  In addition, we offer one seminar during the summer.

Please check out the various chapter web pages, meet the great board members, and check out the activities & events of the Treasure Coast Chapter and maybe one day you will consider serving on our board.

Be sure to find us on Facebook: Paralegal Association of Florida, Inc. – Treasure Coast Chapter.

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